You shouldn’t be surprised to find people clinging on to their old personal digital assistants. In addition to helping people stay organised, these handy devices come with a myriad of benefits.
In a world where people queue overnight in the cold for the privilege of buying the newest device, it’s surprising to find some old gadgets. Thanks to a clique of die-hard fans and reliable PDA repair services, personal digital assistants are still in play. Almost three decades after their launch, these nifty devices diligently help people stay organised.
Compared to the sleek smartphones, PDAs are more like ducks in a group of swans. However, there are plenty of reasons why people still gravitate towards old technology.
They Are Easy on the Pocket
Well, not weight-wise but money-wise. If you long for a touch of the old or love the tactile nature of some PDAs, you can save some money in the process. Unlike smartphones that can often break the $1,000 barrier, PDAs will only set you back a few hundred dollars. Since you’re unlikely to get one with a payment plan, the initial costs of a digital assistant are likely to be higher. Wireless carriers often offer subsidies that let you pay off a phone over a year or two, which is not the case with the assistant.
However, the overall cost of owning a phone will be higher because you have to incur monthly charges for your data and voice plan. Over time, these costs add up, unlike the PDA that comes with a one-off payment.
Disconnect from the Network
The Internet is proving to be a voracious time vampire, costing the world billions in lost productivity. Recent findings indicate that the USA loses $15.5 billion weekly, thanks to the use of mobile devices for non-work activities. These activities account for up to 40 per cent of Internet use during office hours.
If you’re keen to avoid these distractions while working, getting a PDA can help you achieve that goal. Although they don’t have advanced connectivity, you have the option of getting a Wi-Fi device or a 4G. The lack of cellular connectivity limits the number of interruptions that you have to endure during work hours. As mini-computers, PDAs have preinstalled programs to let you handle document and spreadsheets when offline.
Separate Work from Personal Life
If you have trouble finding the delicate balance between life and work, getting a PDA can let you walk this thin line. You can dedicate the personal assistant to handling all your work-related activities and leave your smartphone for your personal life. That means you can switch it off as soon as you’re off the clock and escape the temptation to check your work e-mails at home. That way, you can enjoy quality time with the family and get to unwind at the end of each day.
It might seem strange to see someone carrying a person digital assistant when smartphones are all the rage. However, these handy devices come with some distinct advantages. In addition to helping you cope with the fast-paced workplace, they are also cost-friendly.